Welcome to our new website! This is our soft launch. We’re constantly making updates and creating content. Check back in with us soon!

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July 1st from 8:00 pm - 9:00 pm

Gimme-A-Break Caregiver Support Group

Gimme A Break offers free support, resources and more through our Weekly Support Sessions, online and in-person every Tuesday evening Join our Community! Do it for you! You are never alone! Join the Zoom Meeting ID: 8087543787

Host: Gimme-A-Break


Gimme-A-Break Zoom
Join the Zoom Meeting ID: 8087543787
Virtual Event Virtual Event

Contact: If you have questions, please contact Savina Makalena at savy@gab808.org

Email: savy@gab808.org

July 7th from 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm

Caregiver Foundation Youth Caregiver Support Group

Our Youth Caregiver Support Group is a virtual meet-up hosted monthly for young caregivers. If you are 20 years old or younger and identify as a caregiver, please join us! At each meeting we will focus on a different topic, activity, or skill related to youth caregiving (for example, we will talk about self-care, identity, […]

Host: Youth Caregiver Foundation

Virtual Event Virtual Event

Email: youth@thecaregiverfoundation.org

July 7th from 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm

Hale Hauʻoli Caregiver Support Group

Caregiving can be a difficult and isolating experience, but interacting with people in similar situations can help make the task more manageable. Support groups provide a space where caregivers can share experiences and insights, ask for advice, and learn about resources available for aging seniors. Hale Hau`oli Hawai`i offers a virtual Caregiver Support Group on […]

Host: Hale Hauʻoli



Contact: Contact Kathy Wyatt at kwyatt01@aol.com

Email: kwyatt01@aol.com

July 8th from 8:00 pm - 9:00 pm

Gimme-A-Break Caregiver Support Group

Gimme A Break offers free support, resources and more through our Weekly Support Sessions, online and in-person every Tuesday evening Join our Community! Do it for you! You are never alone! Join the Zoom Meeting ID: 8087543787

Host: Gimme-A-Break


Gimme-A-Break Zoom
Join the Zoom Meeting ID: 8087543787
Virtual Event Virtual Event

Contact: If you have questions, please contact Savina Makalena at savy@gab808.org

Email: savy@gab808.org

Submit an Event

Hosting an event related to Dementia or Alzheimer’s Disease? Click the button below to submit the details and request we include it on our website.

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